Keyboards Price list in India (April 2024)

Find the updated list of the keyboard price in India below which compares the features, expert reviews, and lowest price. It is the computer keyboard that gives the command to the computer or laptop. A keyboard has the standard letters, numbers, punctuations and command keys. There are different interfaces in a keyboard such as Bluetooth, Internal, PS2,Wired, Wired USB and wireless. Handheld, Laptop-size and standard are the different sizes that a keyboard comes in. It is compatible with both the laptop and the PC. Get the best keyboard for your laptop and PC from our list below across various brands at the lowest price and the best features and specifications.

See 3 matching Keyboards (Showing 1-3 of 3 products)

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Keyboards Price list in India Price
Logitech MK200 Wired USB Laptop Keyboard ₹1,199
Logitech MK270r Wireless Combo Keyboard ₹1,595
Logitech MK345 Wireless Laptop Keyboard ₹2,495
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