India is the Most Dangerous Nation for Selfies: Study

The usage of social media and social networking in India has drastically increased in the past few years. We hear about more and more people are getting addicted to such online activities. People are obsessed with showing to the world where they are hanging out, travelling, and how their life is the most happening of all.

Many find it cool to stand on a precarious cliff for a selfie or posing near an approaching train. But, if next time you see so, maybe just enjoy the scene rather taking selfies with them.

Scholars from Carnegie Mellon University and Indraprastha Institute of Information Delhi had conducted a study which revealed some shocking sides of selfies. According to the study, India has witnessed the largest number of death caused which is related to selfies. The country has had more selfie-deaths in the last two years than any other country in the world.

The analysis has been titled provocatively as “Me, Myself, and My Killfie : Characterizing and Preventing Selfie Deaths” In this analysis, it has found that of 127 selfie-deaths reported from March 2014 to September 2016, right 76 deaths have been taken place in India alone. The countries following India included Pakistan- 9, USA- 8, and Russia- 6.

India is the Most Dangerous Nation for Selfies: Study

The researchers have used special search techniques to scan the selfie-death incidents on the internet and social media and identified 127 confirmed casualties since March 2014. The researchers here blamed people’s desire for getting more likes and comments on social media for the major rise in selfie-deaths. The

Selfie is an undoubtedly biggest trend on social media. The latest selfie phone available in the market is coming pre-equipped with front-facing cameras. Many smartphone makers are offering their best selfie mobiles to consumers. Also Read: Top 5 Selfie Smartphones of 2016

We all are familiar with the term called ‘selfie’. Selfie is a photograph taken of oneself. Social media is the primary platform to share selfies. However, one weird and disturbing trend in relation to the selfie has emerged lately and is called as ‘dangerous selfies’. Such dangerous selfies could lead to selfie-related death and it is advisable by the team of researchers to avoid taking such killer selfies.

In the year of 2015 alone, people died while taking selfies in front of an oncoming train, a cliff, posing in a boat that tipped over at a picnic, slippery rock edge, among others.

The researchers have examined thousands of selfies that are posted on Twitter from various users and found that the men were casualties are far more likely than women while taking dangerous selfies. They also found that the majority of selfie-death victims were under the age of 24.

Looking at the concern of dangerous selfies, governments are slowly acknowledging the issue as well. Russian authorities have conducted a public awareness campaign to inform people the hazardous consequences of taking selfies. Also, Mumbai police have recently declared 16 No-selfie zones across the city after seeing an increase in the number of selfie victims.

The researchers have mentioned the reasons for this shocking trend of dangerous selfies. According to them, the dawn of social media among people has developed an unappeasable push for becoming the most popular in their community. This state has termed as Selfitis, which was long compared to forms of narcissism.


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