Different Types of Washing Machine Features You Should Consider

Different Types of Washing Machine Features You Should Consider

Home appliances have legit made our lives much easier. Every home appliance whether it is a refrigerator, a television or a washing machine – play a very important role in making things super convenient for us. However, thanks to all the technological advancements, these appliances also need an upgrade every few years or so. This is mainly because, with new features and developments, an appliance that you bought 10 years back will look outdated in the present day and age.

Even washing machines need an upgrade after a couple of years. If you are planning to buy a new washing machine or if you are wondering if you should upgrade, there are some washing machine features that you should consider. With different types of washing machines available in the market, picking the right model with the appropriate features can be difficult. To make your choice simple, let’s take a look at the must-have washing machine features.

Different Types of Washing Machine Features You Should Consider

Air Dry Function

Most of the products from the washing machine price list definitely come with this feature. Just like tumble dryers (a.k.a clothes dryer), the air dryer function helps in removing the dampness and moisture from clothes. This function is of great help during the winter months when clothes take an extraordinary amount of time to dry. Similarly, it can also be used for drying thick and heavy clothes.

Instead of consuming additional energy, the air dry function pulls in warm air from your house and circulates it around the drum. This process helps in evaporating the water or dampness from the clothes at a much faster rate. Having this feature on your washing machine ensures that your clothes take a minimal amount of time to dry.

Reload Function

Washing machines until the recent few years did not offer the flexibility to pause a wash cycle for adding or removing extra clothes. However, the latest washing machines allow you to pause a wash cycle to add extra clothes or to alter the wash cycle settings. The reload function is one of the much-needed washing machine features that was missing on the older models. By activating the reload function, the water level in the drum recedes to a level until it becomes safe to open the washing machine door. If you have an older model, then you can risk flooding your room with water if you try to open the washer door during a wash cycle.

Memory Wash

Does your washing machine require you to put in the right settings before every wash cycle? If yes, then this process can get mundane and monotonous. The latest and trending washing machines these days do not require you to adjust the settings every single time. Instead, these washers remember the settings that you used during your previous wash cycle. They can automatically tweak and adjust the settings for the next wash. Additionally, apart from remembering the settings of the previous wash cycle, these washing machines also let you save the settings for different wash cycles.

Smart Rinse

This feature is only seen on the latest and upgraded washing machines. The smart rinse feature offers flexibility to let you choose how your clothes are treated during a wash cycle. Similar to the hand wash setting, the smart rinse feature lets you control how much water will be utilized during a wash cycle. Depending on your usage, you can decide the amount of water that will be used during a wash cycle. However, if you have a sensitive skin, then it is advisable to use more water so that the detergent is washed off completely.

Hydro-Jet Washing Technology

This is one of those washing machine features that is used for powerful and efficient washing. In this function, the water flows from the top of the machine in a strong gush. This strong flow of water is to ensure that your clothes are washed thoroughly. The strong gush of water guarantees that dirt and detergent is completely removed from the clothes.

Self-Cleaning Function

When we think of washing machine, we immediately think of washed and clean clothes. Most of the times, we forget that even our washing machine needs cleaning from time to time. Detergent and dirt from the clothes can build up inside your washing machine and can hamper with the efficiency. To avoid such a scenario, the self-cleaning function can be of great use. Turn on the self-cleaning function once in a month, to keep your washing machine running in top condition.

These were some of the washing machine features that you must consider while buying a new model. These features are easily available among washing machines below 30000 price range. If you are confused regarding which washing machine you should opt for, take a look at our washing machine buying guide to simplify your decision.