Quad Core Tablets in India (April 2024)

See 46 matching Quad Core tablets (Showing 1-20 of 46 products)

Quad Core tablets price list in India with specifications updated on 23rd April 2024. The latest Quad Core Tabs are Apple iPad 10.2 2021, Lenovo Tab M8 and Apple iPad 10.2 128 GB. Currently There are 46 Quad Core tablets available in India. You can sort these tabs by price, by popularity, by latest, by discounts and by Pricekart Rank. Also, you can use various feature filters to find the best Quad Core tablet as per your choice.


Quad Core Tablets Price List in India (April 2024)

Apple iPad 10.2 2021 ₹29,590
Lenovo Tab M8 ₹6,499
Apple iPad 10.2 128 GB ₹35,200
Apple iPad 2018 WiFi 32GB ₹26,488
Amazon Fire HD 8 2018 ₹5,790
iBall Slide Dazzle i7 ₹4,099
iBall Slide PenBook 32 GB 10.1 inch with Wi-Fi Only Tablet ₹19,999
Lenovo Tab 2 A10-30 ₹12,207
Samsung Galaxy Tab A (2017) 16 GB 8 inch Wi-Fi+4G ₹17,989
Micromax Canvas Plex ₹8,499
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