Upcoming Thuraya Mobiles in India (April 2024)

See 2 matching Upcoming Thuraya mobiles (Showing 1-2 of 2 products)

Upcoming Thuraya Mobiles price list in India with Expected launch date, expected price, images and specifications. We have listed 2 Upcoming Thuraya mobile phones in India as on 19th April 2024. Most popular Upcoming Thuraya Smartphones are Thuraya X5, Thuraya XT-PRO Dual and .. You can sort Upcoming Thuraya mobile phones by Price, Popularity, Latest and Pricekart Score. Also, you can use various feature filters to find the best Upcoming Thuraya Mobile as per your choice


Upcoming Thuraya Mobiles Price List in India (April 2024)

Price Expected Launch Date
Thuraya X5 ₹71,000 N/A
Thuraya XT-PRO Dual ₹15,999 N/A
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