What’s the FB Bandstand All About?


Facebook has become a social media ecosystem to capture moments of our day to day lives with various rich media elements. Right from pictures to videos, Facebook Live and Facebook Live Audio, we have routed a long way to express ourselves to our loved ones. The most recent addition to Facebook’s services is the FB Bandstand. (Bandstand the name stands for celebrity culture that Mumbai boasts of, conveying the true city spirit.) It is similar to ‘YouTube space’ that has been a revolutionary phenomenon for all the content creators around the globe.

The main aim of this is to educate and inform the artists, bloggers, celebrities & content creators about the use of Facebook Live while helping them connect with their fans and followers in real-time without any hassles.

At the exclusive preview for Media fraternity, some of the use cases were entailed wherein celebrities can have a private conversation with fans, teaser/trailer for their upcoming movies or a share a candid moment with the audience.

A Peek Inside!

The Bandstand room consists of 4 Walls

  1. Garden Wall

Garden Wall

This wall structure sets your mood for the day with its 3D effects of a bright, sunny or dawn backdrop of a park for accommodating musical bands with props like Reaction Cushions, an artsy Guitar

  1. Origami Wall

This wall was built to showcase the culture of openness through Facebook. It consists of various props including djembe duo & lamps.

  1. Lego Wall

Using bright colors and designs, this wall is made out of structure based in Mumbai.

  1. String Artist Wall

The String wall is for the crafty artists who love showcasing their work with a colorful burst of music or other audio-visual instruments flowing across frames

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So, what is in it for me?

With FB Bandstand and Facebook Live one can create authentic, interactive content for building a loyal audience for yourself. It will also aid in driving more conversations with fans and followers across the globe. This new service by Facebook will teach you how to leverage Facebook Live for your personality brand too.

For established content creators those who are generating revenues from YouTube Live and other streaming platforms, Facebook is testing the possibility of ad inserts within a live session. They are also open to exploring avenues for rewarding content creators for the amazing content they generate on Facebook Live.

With Facebook and YouTube’s tug of war declared, who do you think will be preferred more? Do let us know!