Front Load and Top Load Washing Machines: Which One You Should Buy?

Front Load and Top Load Washing Machines: Which One You Should Buy?

Having a washing machine at home makes a huge difference as it helps in cleaning the dirty laundry. It also reduces the overall time taken to finish the daily household activities. However, the right type of washer is important while buying a washing machine for the house. Front load and top load washing machines are the two common types of washing machines used in households. But which one should you buy? Let’s find out

Flexibility of the Door

As the name suggests, front-loading washing machines are loaded and unloaded from the front and top loading washing machines are loaded and unloaded from the top. Both these washer doors have their own convenience. Front load washers if placed on a pedestal or elevated onto a platform become easy to use. But if not elevated, bending down is the only option for loading and unloading.

Top loading washers don’t require any kind of elevation. The clothes can be easily loaded into the machine. Unloading can seem a little inconvenient as the user has to reach down to get the entire laundry out.

Front Load and Top Load Washing Machines: Which One You Should Buy?

Size of the Washer

Size is one of the most important factors to consider while choosing between the front load and top load washing machines. Both these washers are almost identical in width, but the front load washers are usually taller than the top load washers. Even the depths of these washers differ depending on the washing machine. As front load washers are usually taller, it is essential to consider the space and flexibility if it is going to be elevated on a pedestal.

Water Usage

Front load washing machines use the tumble wash technique to clean the clothes. This technique removes the dirt and stains from the clothes by rotating back and forth using the drum inside the machine. For the wash action, the fabric does not require too much water, enough of water to moisten the fabric is sufficient. This automatically results in less use of water.

Top load washing machines require the fabric to be fully immersed in water before the washing process. The agitator movement in the washer pushes the water outward towards the edge of the tub and back to clean the clothes. This leads to top loading washers using more water to clean the clothes.

Control Panel Access

The control panel is one of the most important features in front load and top load washing machines. The placement of the control panel on the front load washers is on the front of the unit, which makes it easier to access and operate. The latest and upcoming models of the top load washers have the control panel placed on the front of the unit as well. With the control unit in the front, it becomes convenient to access and operate the washing machine.

Energy Efficiency

Front load washing machines are comparatively more energy efficient than top load washing machines. This is mainly because front load washers run for a longer duration at a slow speed. The longer the duration of the wash, the more optimally the water and detergent are removed from the clothes. This process increases the lifespan of the clothes and keeps them clean. On the other hand, top load washers are increasing in energy efficiency, closing the gap between the two washers.


A washing machine is one of the must-have home appliances which help in making life easier. When it comes to choosing between front load and top load washing machines it is always best to compare washing machines in India to get the exact price, features and specifications.

Front load washing machines use less of water and provide excellent wash quality. Similarly, top load washing machines require a smaller space and require less power consumption. The choice comes down to the usage and which type seems more flexible for different kinds of households.