Conducting Aptitude Tests To Determine Intelligence Levels

Conducting aptitude tests to determine intelligence levels

Many universities and colleges conduct tests of aptitude because they test the cognitive ability of a candidate. Even corporate or large organizations conduct tests because they can determine if the candidate is suitable for the job. These tests access the cognitive abilities that include fluid reasoning power and crystallized reasoning power. The fluid reasoning includes the ability to visually memorize, absorb novel concepts, grasp the world around them and solve the problems without any reference. Crystallized reasoning refers to the ability to process the information that is required and implement the information or knowledge in performing day-to-day tasks. The person with strong fluid reasoning possesses better abstract reasoning, visual reasoning and spatial skills. Some people are born with better-crystallized reasoning abilities and hence they possess critical thinking, logical reasoning, language skills and strong decision-making capacities.

Different screening tests for candidates

These tests usually are used for performing different tasks such as screening, learning and development and determining entrance exam results. The universities or organization conduct these tests to test the level of intelligence of students. They can determine if the candidate can apply his skills to the organization. If the test score is moderate, then they may recommend the candidate for training and development. They focus upon the weaker areas that the candidate so that they can overcome their weakness and provide the output to the company.

Aptitude tests

Determining the level of IQ

For different roles, different level of intelligence is required. The IQ level need not be too high if a person is applying for jobs such as data entry operators, clerks, or helpers. They should possess the minimum level IQ to perform day-to-day tasks of the organization. But, the IQ level of a senior-level manager in an organization should be higher. The person who is applying for an IT job such as programming, hardware or networking should possess strong fluid reasoning to grasp the novel concepts of the IT industry. But, the person who is applying for a managerial position should possess strong crystallized reasoning power because he should solve the complex problems of the organization. So, they should be able to critically analyze a problem to solve and find a solution to the complex problem. In the aptitude tests, a series of questions are asked to the candidates so that they can test their level of proficiency.

Today, different screening tools are used to test the abstract reasoning, communication skills, problem-solving skills and critical thinking ability of the candidate. The candidate should possess different types of abilities to reach a higher position in the organization. Many jobs require both types of reasoning namely fluid reasoning and crystallized reasoning. To build a successful career, the person should integrate his abilities to deliver optimal performance. So, by undergoing aptitude tests, their intelligence level in various areas can be determined. The level of IQ may be lower in some area, so the companies can recommend such candidates for training to improve their weakness. Today, many modern tools are used to determine the level of intelligence such as MCQ, caselets, case study stimulators, audios and videos etc. Experts provide some of the best-designed tests for the candidates.

Aptitude tests for particular positions

So, different types of aptitude tests are conducted for different roles in the organization and for hiring students in the university. They want to choose the most efficient candidates from the pool of candidates. These tests are reliable tests to measure the brainpower of the candidate. The scores of these tests are used by universities, coaching institutes and corporate organizations. They ask different questions that test their both fluid reasoning ability and their crystallized reasoning. They use MCQs to test their abstract reasoning power, visual reasoning, and spatial reasoning. These tests include MCQs and they test the fluid reasoning capacity of the candidate. Then, they judge the crystallized reasoning capacity of the candidate by using various tools. To test critical thinking, they use caselets and case study stimulators. Then, they test the numeric ability of the candidate using caselets, guesstimates, and case- study stimulators. They also test the data interpretation capacity using the caselets, guesstimates, and case-study stimulators. Then, they test the verbal capacity of the candidates using the writing and typing stimulators. They test the verbal ability of the candidate using the audio questions. Then, finally, they test the decision-making capacity of the candidates using different tools. So, today, the examiners use modern tools to deeply examine the candidate. They should be prepared to handle any complex situations, not just handle the day-to-day tasks or operations. They should always exhibit their proficiency in every area. The senior managers of the large organizations should undertake some important decisions by viewing, collecting information and using different reports. They should undertake some important decisions and should exhibit important characteristics. They should reveal their integrated abilities to work for the betterment of the organization. A person may be competent in one area or weaker in another area. Such persons cannot be selected as senior managers. The role of the manager of an organization is not only to undertake decisions but also update every information of the business and effectively utilize the information.

Particular skills for particular positions

So, similarly, to work in technical support areas, the person should exhibit strong fluid reasoning power. He/she should be able to resolve any technical issue of the organization by using necessary tools; such candidates should possess strong spatial skills and abstract reasoning power. So, to hire a technical support candidate, they should ask suitable questions that reflect the ability of such candidates. So, some of the expert’s design such tests so that the ability of a candidate in a particular field can be assessed easily. All the skills may not be essential for most of the positions, but the candidates should possess the skills that are required to perform the job. To become a computer operator, some basic visual skills are required. So, the candidate should prove their proficiency in that field.