5 Best Reading Apps for Android Every Book Lover Needs

5 Best Reading Apps for Android Every Book Lover Needs

For an avid reader, nothing can replace the feeling of reading books and getting engrossed in the story. Though sitting on a couch with an actual book in hand is way more enjoyable, there are tonnes of reading apps for Android. These apps are useful when you are on the go and don’t have a book along with you. They can be easily installed on your Android smartphone and can be accessed from anywhere and anytime. Here is the list of the 5 best reading apps for Android that every book lover needs.


5 Best Reading Apps for Android Every Book Lover Needs

Goodreads is an ideal app for everyone who enjoys reading. This app allows the user to create their own virtual reading shelf and add books to it. This reading shelf can be used for keeping a track of all the books that you have read, you are reading and want to read. Users can even see the books that their friends are reading on this app. Along with this, the app also displays reviews of various books that are written by other readers to make it easier for you while choosing a book.

Amazon Kindle

Without a doubt, Amazon Kindle is one of the most frequently heard of reading apps for Android. Amazon Kindle has a various list of books from all kinds of genres like romance, suspense, sci-fi, history, fantasy, horror, travel and much more. This app has a limited collection of free books and has an unlimited collection of paid books. The Kindle app also lets the users choose between a wide range of newspapers and magazines. Additionally, this app syncs with mobiles, tablets and laptops all at the same time.


Pocket is an app not just for people who enjoy reading books but for everyone. With this app, it is easier to save interesting videos, articles, blogs and more from the web to read later. The saved content can be viewed later, even in the offline mode. The best part of this app is that the list of saved content can be viewed from any of the synced devices like the phone, tablet or laptop. This is definitely one of the best reading apps for Android.


Similar to the Pocket app, Instapaper can save content for users to read later. Right from stories, articles, videos, posts and emails, everything can be saved to read later. Instapaper stands apart from Pocket due to its easy to read format. Once any content is saved on Instapaper, the app reformats the layout on phone, tablet or browser to make it easier and enjoyable to read.

Google Play Books

The Google Play Books offers the users millions of books to choose from. With this app, users can purchase and download various ebooks to read them offline. This app lets the user preview and read a free sample of various books as well as gives you personalized recommendations to help you find the next best book to read. Also, Google Play Books offers a variety of fonts and layouts to make the reading experience an enjoyable one.

Reading is fun and with these reading apps for Android on your phone, it becomes easier as well. Though nothing can ever take the place of holding an actual book in hand, these apps are convenient when there is no other source of reading. Let us know if you think we missed out on any other best reading apps for Android in our comment section below.